The Creaite Rewriter tool will write a new version of any existing article or text. For example, let's say that you find a popular article that is generating traffic and you'd like similar content for your own website or marketing campaign. You can use the rewrite tool to write your own version with different wording, while maintaining the overall topic and content.
Note that rewrites are charged at 1 credit per 400 words.
To use the rewrite tool, follow these simple steps:
- Select the Rewriter option from the left-hand menu.
- Paste the text you want rewritten in the left text field and then click the REWRITE button.
- It may take a minute or two for the next text to be rewritten and displayed on the right-hand side.
- You can access all past rewrites at the bottom of the page in the Your Rewrites section. Click on any article title for viewing.
- The original and rewritten text will be displayed. Click on the blue copy icon next to Rewritten to copy the text to your clipboard.
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