GPTDash uses an API key from your own OpenAI account. Click here to sign up for an OpenAI account.
It costs an average of about $0.001 for each use of a writing tool on GPTDash. That means on average it would cost about $1 for 1000 uses of GPTDash, with the exception of images. Currently OpenAI’s price for large images are $0.02 (2 cents) each.
In other words, even after your free trial, it will be ridiculously cheap and cost mere pennies to generate a ton of content with GPTDash.
To save your OpenAI API key in GPTDash, complete the following steps:
- From your main GPTDash Dashboard screen, click on My Account and select API Key.
- Enter your OpenAI API key in the text field and click SAVE API KEY.
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